About Us - Principal's Message

At AGS, Uri, we are committed to creating a caring and safe atmosphere, which promotes emotional, social and academic development. We aim at nurturing our students into fine human beings, by imparting quality education and inculcate human values.
We aspire to provide a creative environment, which is both stimulating and challenging. Children learn best through doing and we give ample opportunities to explore, experiment and discover with hands on equipment and materials, in an adult directed setting.
The integrated curriculum we follow, promotes learning through activities, field trips and outdoor play. The learning and development of the children, is not confined to the classrooms, but is extended to the external environment. This allows the children to explore their surroundings and exercise their imagination.
Our classroom programmes offer opportunities for children to engage in a range of cultural and sporting activities. The teachers adopt new teaching techniques. Concepts are cleared with the use of models, graphics and smart class modules.
The pursuit of excellence encouraged at AGS, Uri, rests on the positive belief that every child has it in her/him the ability to excel. Along with well- structured learning imparted through the curriculum, our focus is on addressing the holistic development of the personality of our students.
We believe that with the constant support of the parents, we will continue to make learning a joyful and meaningful experience.
Mrs. Baljeet Kaur